Treatment for BPPV
At NeuroBloom Physical Therapy and Balance, our physical therapists are highly skilled in treating Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). As specialists in dizziness and inner ear disorders, we successfully treat patients with BPPV every day.

Our Process
Fast, Effective Treatment for BPPV
While BPPV can be disorienting and may disrupt your normal daily activities, it is easily treatable and can often be resolved in as little as 1-2 visits. If you received a diagnosis from your doctor or suspect you have BPPV, please contact our office to schedule an evaluation and treatment.

What is BPPV?
BPPV is the most common inner ear disorder and cause of vertigo. It can occur for no reason and affects individuals of any age. However, the incidence of BPPV is greater in individuals over 65.
The onset of BPPV is normally sudden. The first time you experience it, you may feel a violent sensation of spinning. Most often individuals with BPPV experience vertigo when changing their head position, such as rolling from side to side in bed, moving from lying down flat to sitting up, bending down or looking up. Common symptoms include short episodic spells of vertigo or spinning sensations when changing positions, nausea (sometimes vomiting), feeling disoriented and unsteady.
Identifying BPPV
The Dix-Hallpike and Supine Roll Test are testing procedures used by trained medical professionals to identify BPPV. These tests alter the position of the head relative to gravity; loose crystals will move through the semi-circular canal, inducing a sensation of spinning or vertigo. The corresponding nystagmus (abnormal eye movements), produced by the moving crystals indicates which ear and which canal the displaced crystals are located. With three semicircular canals in each ear, there are 6 different canals in which crystals can become displaced. Our team is trained to test and treat them all.
Treating BPPV
Treatment of BPPV is accomplished by completing a Canalith Repositioning Maneuver (CRM). There are several different CRMs and a trained medical professional will select the appropriate treatment based on the results of your positional testing. For each of the semicircular canals, there is a different CRM procedure.
During testing and treatment, it is common to feel dizziness, vertigo or spinning, and nausea. In a few cases, some people vomit following treatment. Our office is prepared to handle this. However, we suggest you do not eat a meal before coming in for BPPV treatment.
We also highly recommend having someone drive you to this appointment.
After Treatment
Immediately following repositioning, there is an increased risk of falls due to imbalance. For several hours after repositioning, you are encouraged to relax and give your body time to recover. Current professional guidelines suggest BPPV post-repositioning precautions, such as limiting head movement or sleeping propped up on pillows, are unnecessary and ineffective.
You may continue to feel sensitive to movement for a few days. This does not mean your repositioning was unsuccessful. These mild symptoms can take a few days to resolve. It is important to return to your normal activities because motion and movement will help to speed your recovery.
However, if you experience spinning after the repositioning or have motion sensitivity for more than a few days, please call our office. It may take several visits to reposition the crystals and fully resolve the BPPV.